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The power of apprenticeships to transform your business

We know that the role of learning is to transform - whether it’s companies, cultures, or individuals. Apprenticeships are a productive and effective way to nurture talent, and develop a motivated and skilled workforce.

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Develop a talent pipeline

Bringing new talent into your organisation and developing employees with an apprenticeship from day one will create a passion and willingness to integrate themselves in the workplace, making them a great addition to your team.

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Bridge skills gaps

Your employee might also be further along in their career, and want to attain higher level knowledge, or change roles whilst staying in work. You may be able to fill a skills gap without having to take on more staff, giving your employees the opportunity to grow as your business grows.

Grow your organisation

An apprenticeship has to be relevant to an individual’s job role and they must dedicate time during work towards it. This means you benefit from your employees having dedicated time to focus on transformational projects and opportunities for your organisation, which can be put into practice.

Why apprenticeships?

Not all training is equal

Whilst it’s possible for people to do shorter, specialist skills training, the technical knowledge isn’t always easily transferred and applied back to the workplace to make a noticeable impact.

Apprenticeships deliver the best grounding

They provide 360 degree development for your people to apply their learning directly to real work based projects, to solve challenges for your organisation, for longer.

High demand and short supply

Apprenticeships are a great way to build your own talent, future proofing you, and making your organisation more attractive to future talent.

Refresh and grow your talent

Apprenticeships are a great way to retrain, upskill or encourage diversity in your organisation by recruiting fresh new talent from different backgrounds.

Two women in an office talking

With СÀ¶ÊÓƵ you’ll get

  • Named Client Solutions contact, there to support you at every stage
  • Recruitment service to help you hire an apprentice for a new vacancy
  • Transparency throughout the application and onboarding process for your learners
  • Sector expert tutors and coaches delivering relevant training and development
  • Learning that is applied to your organisation through work based experience
  • Accurate, timely and accessible tracking for each learner
  • Line Manager visibility of your learner’s portfolio dashboards

72 of 100

72 of the FTSE top 100 companies use СÀ¶ÊÓƵ to train their employees

Top 100

Over one third of the top 100 Apprenticeship employers of 2020-2021 have learners completing their apprenticeship with СÀ¶ÊÓƵ

80+ years

Over 80 years’ experience training the world’s leading professionals

Looking to upskill your staff?
Get in touch 

A man in an office

Funding an apprenticeship

Employers can get support from the government to fund apprenticeship training. The amount available can depend on whether you are a Levy payer or not, the size of your organisation and whether you are employing a young apprentice.

Funding an apprenticeship


Employer Commitment

Apprenticeships are an effective way for your organisation to develop the skills and competencies needed now and in the future. When considering if apprenticeships are right for your organisation, it’s important to understand the level of support and commitment needed to ensure their learners’ success.

Apprenticeship Employer commitment

But don’t just take our word for it

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Apprenticeships add enormous value to our business and provide people who may not have gone to university with another route into a challenging and rewarding career with HSBC.

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The talent coaches who have a close connection to the apprentices are absolutely superb. There is never any judgement, even if someone falls behind, and this speaks volumes for the support that СÀ¶ÊÓƵ provides.

Ready to take on an apprentice?

Get in touch and we’ll tell you more about apprenticeships, what we can do for your business, and how to start the process of taking on an apprentice.

Get in touch