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Ensuring the right fit

СÀ¶ÊÓƵ’s Role Suitability Assessment will ensure there is a direct link between the job role and chosen programme, regardless of whether this is a new hire or existing employee. We will work with line managers to ensure there are ample opportunities to develop an apprentice and ensure they are on the right programme


Supporting the application

An apprenticeship begins with the application. This ensures all the relevant compliance information is captured and there is a good fit with the individual and the chosen programme. There are skills scans and Maths and English assessments to give an indication of prior knowledge and education. Line managers must support individuals to complete this process in a timely manner.


Getting started

Once the application process is complete, СÀ¶ÊÓƵ undertake a series to steps to ensure everyone has the best start:


Training Plan

A training plan is created which outlines the apprenticeship programme based on individual learning needs. The line manager, apprentice, and Talent Coach will discuss and agree this in the training plan call which takes place before the apprentice’s first day in learning.

It’s really important that the line manager contributes to the plan.


Apprenticeship agreement

In addition to the Training Plan, an Apprenticeship Agreement must be in place. It is signed by both the employer and the apprentice. This acts as confirmation that the apprentice will be employed and have exposure to relevant opportunities for the duration of their apprenticeship.


Ensuring success during the Apprenticeship

Great line managers make such a positive impact on apprentices and the work they do for their organisation. To ensure the apprenticeship is a success, there are a number of commitments that line managers need to make throughout the apprenticeship.

Formal reviews

At least every 12 weeks, line managers will be required to attend a review meeting with their apprentice and a СÀ¶ÊÓƵ Talent Coach, where they will discuss how the apprentice is progressing and developing the Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours to meet the requirements of the apprenticeship standard. They will also discuss how the apprentice is embedding these into the workplace.

Checking progress

In addition to the formal reviews, apprentices will have contact with their Talent Coach to ensure there are no barriers to their progress - either professionally or personally. Where appropriate, we will ask line managers for support to help resolve any challenges at the earliest opportunity.

At least every four weeks, line managers will need to review their employees Learning Journal to ensure that they are in active learning and submitting evidence regularly to confirm that the required level of off the job training (an average of six hours per week) is taking place.

Helping to put things into practice

The knowledge taught needs to be effectively applied in the workplace, and line managers will need to ensure that the apprentice receives sufficient exposure and opportunities in their role to evidence their competencies and further develop the skills and behaviours listed in the standard. Our Talent Coach team can provide advice and guidance to support with this.

Supporting your employee

As a line manager, you are encouraged to ensure your learner has all the support they need, whether that be with their mental health, wellbeing at work, or additional learning support. You can help them to understand the wealth of support that СÀ¶ÊÓƵ can offer, and by working together we can ensure all apprentices feel supported. Just some of the information on Additional Learning Support is available in this guide.

Considering progression

As apprentices progress, career goals will be discussed as part of their personal development. It can be helpful to consider opportunities within the organisation or projects to expand their skill set.

Celebrating success

When an individual completes their apprenticeship, it’s a moment to be celebrated. Achieving milestones along the way are things to be acknowledged too. There will also be external awards ceremonies where your apprentices can gain additional recognition.

Ready to take on an apprentice?

Get in touch and we’ll tell you more about apprenticeships, what we can do for your business, and how to start the process of taking on an apprentice.

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