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Booking your exam is easy - you can choose your preferred date, location and time online, giving you peace of mind that everything is sorted. Now you just need to prepare for it.

General information

You don’t even have to be studying with СÀ¶ÊÓƵ to book your exam. You can use our booking system and sit your exam in one of our centres.

You can rearrange an exam, but we need a minimum of 5 working days’ notice to make any changes. This doesn’t include the day of the exam or the day you request the change.

Exam pricing:

The pricing for exams may vary depending on the qualification, level and subject you choose. Below is a general guide to the exams we offer and prices for each qualification.


  • Level 2 Certificate in Accounting £105 - £120 - Remote Exam* £125 - £130
  • Level 3 Diploma in Accounting £109 - Remote Exam* £125
  • Level 4 Diploma in Professional Accounting £112 - Remote Exam* £128

*Not all subjects are available as remote exams. Remote exams must be booked at least seven days before your chosen exam date in order to complete the administration processes.

Sitting your first AAT exam? In the week leading up to your exam you will be sent an email to complete the registration for the AAT assessment software. In order to sit your scheduled AAT assessment, you must complete your registration at least 48 hours prior to your assessment start time.


  • Applied Knowledge £131
  • Applied Skills - Law £147
  • Foundations £100 - £131


  • Certificate in Business Accounting £110 - £117
  • Operational Level Objective Test exams £130 - £138
  • Operational Level Case Study exam £225 - £239
  • Management Level Objective Test exams £154 - £164
  • Management Level Case Study exam £232 - £246
  • Strategic Level Objective Test exams £218 - £232
  • Strategic Level Case Study exam £330 - £350

Exact prices are shown when you select your chosen exam and location.

Book exam now

Dates fully booked? Register your interest for additional exam spaces

Please fill in this form to be added to register interest for additional exam space, one form per exam. Please be aware that this does not guarantee an exam space place, but we will be in touch if one becomes available.

Register for the waiting list

Having trouble booking your exam?

If you can't book your exam and need some help, please contact Student Services.

If you need extra support:

Simply select ‘request additional exam support’ when making your booking, and your СÀ¶ÊÓƵ centre will contact you to discuss your requirements.

Additional exam support may include:

  • Special exam facilities
  • A reader
  • A scribe
  • Visual aids
  • Extra time
  • Disability access
  • Learning disability support
  • Other, as agreed with your exam centre and institute organisation

If you request additional exam support, your exam centre will contact you to discuss this further once you’ve booked your exam. You may be required to provide evidence to the Institute for their consideration and then forward the Institute's reply to СÀ¶ÊÓƵ. We therefore recommend that you book your exam at least 4 weeks in advance to allow for these communications.

Learn more about accessibility at СÀ¶ÊÓƵ

Qualification specific FAQs

For exam information regarding specific qualifications, please select from the links below:

  • FAQs for
  • FAQs for
  • FAQs for
  • FAQs for
  • FAQs for
  • FAQs for